Friday, 21 October 2016


to you my brothers and sisters, who will never read my blog or know this side of me... 
I’m sorry, I’m sorry,
I’m sorry ma brother

No matter how much I hide it and cover it up, it doesn’t go away
“Are you calling me a sinner?”
What else can I say 
because i was annoyed, whenever you guys talked about this and that
giving opinion, but trying to enforce on others 
while you guys just talked, maybe with little to no action
when i tried to speak up my opinion, you guys blame me of being a preacher
little experience or knowledge of some sorts
so am I a sinner? 

I’m sorry, I’m sorry,

I’m sorry ma sister
No matter how much I hide it and cover it up, it doesn’t go away
So cry
Please dry my eyes
because i was mad, whenever you girls showed your concern through words
but can never change the fact you are married and hv someone else to take care of
when you girls started having secrets between you and your partner 
while me as your own family member was left out
so should i just watch and cry?

growing up and apart;
when my brothers and sisters are all married couple
have more commitments, less time together

when i said, i miss you and our moments together
you start asking me to plan a trip together
i miss you, but it won't change the fact you are not the same anymore
and those moments would never ever be the same again

i'm sorry my brothers
i'm sorry my sisters
i'm blaming myself now
cause i will never understand myself what you've been through
and please,
don't burden me 
cause you will never understand what i've been through

i love you, still...

forever your sister,


  1. Continue to give us your opinions, thoughts and learnings. I know your brothers and sisters will always be there for you, even if sometimes, some people just hide the fact that they wanna help you.

    --I'm @Ms_Chivous in twitter

  2. i dont really know how you actually feel cz well i do have two older brothers and one of them is married but actually we're not a biological brother-sister so im not really sad when they changed (idk if you understand hut i'll just continue:v) and yeah theyve changed- or i changed? Idk, i feel like he's (the married one) alr forget abt me. cz when i was a little we used to play tgt but now, its almost like we're strangers. and the other one is the same but not as bad as the married one. okay sorry but i dont really know how to explain this so i'll stop here.
    I really wish that ur brothers&sisters will finally realize how much you love them, how much youre hurt when theyve changed. and when theyve realize it, i hope theyll change soon, i hope theyll try to be the old them to make you happy and i hope you guys will have a family trip soon to re-unite the family bond! I dont really know what im sayin- i mean idk if its the true words or not but yeah,,
    twt: @plaaa_
